What equip­ment do I need for this course? 

To succeed, please, note that you need a computer, internet connec­tion, a headset, and a webcam. 

Who can partic­i­pate?   

 To apply, you must have  

1) a resi­dence permit/decision letter showing Finland based on tempo­rary protec­tion and  

2) English language skills, at least on CERF level B1  (you master the basics of English and can commu­ni­cate in everyday situ­a­tions with commonly-used expres­sions). 

Does this prepara­tory course give me a right to study a degree programme in Finland? 

No. Please note that the accom­plish­ment of the prepara­tory programme does not give you a direct access to higher educa­tion degree studies. You must apply to degree studies through the normal appli­ca­tion process. The programme will give you skills that are required to study an english taught degree programme in Finland, infor­ma­tion about Finnish educa­tion system and different options you have if you wish to pursue further studies in Finnish higher educa­tion. This prepara­tory programme includes also career coun­selling and we can, for example help you to make an appli­ca­tion and advise you on admis­sion criteria for a specific degree programme.   

I missed the dead­line, do you accept late appli­ca­tions? 

No. Unfor­tu­nately we only accept appli­ca­tions that have been submitted in time. 

How many students will you take for this programme? 

There will be 100 student places avail­able in total:  

  • Group 1 Busi­ness Studies (25 student places); 
  • Group 2 Social Services and Health Care (25 student places); 
  • Group 3 Engi­neering (25 student places); and 
  • Group 4 Other (25 student places) 

Who is Group 4 ‘Other non-field specific group’ meant for? 

Group 4 is intended for those who are not yet sure in what field they would like to under­take higher educa­tion studies and for those who know what they would like to study but whose fields are not included in groups 1–3. 

My bus will be late and cannot be there in time. What will happen if I will be late for Entrance Exam? 

If you are late and the exam has already started, we are not able to allow you to under­take the entrance exam and you cannot be accepted as a student for this course. 

Photo: students at stairs